Elizabeth Taylor no Irã

Este post celebra a vida e os feitos da atriz Elizabeth Taylor, falecida este mês. Ela é tema de exposição no LACMA

In 1976 Elizabeth Taylor visited Iran for the first and only time. Accompanying her was Firooz Zahedi, a recent art school graduate just learning his craft, who has since gone on to become a successful Hollywood photographer. Iran provided an exotic and engaging locale for Taylor, a tireless global wanderer still at the height of her fame. For Zahedi, who left Iran as a child, this was a reintroduction to his own country. It was a remarkable journey, documented by Zahedi’s vivid photographs, shown together here for the first time. The pair traveled to the main tourist sites: ancient Persepolis, Shiraz, home of poetry and wine, and Isfahan, renowned for its beautiful tile-clad buildings. In the Isfahan bazaar, Taylor was attracted to and purchased a traditional tribal outfit. Dressed in this colorful costume and in full make-up, she posed as an odalisque, an especially suitable persona for one who was herself a male fantasy. Though Zahedi was to photograph Taylor many times in the years following their Iran trip, none are as personal, candid, or creative as these unique images.

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Esse post foi publicado em Arte Comunicação&Design, Museus das Américas, Museus dos Estados Unidos e marcado , , , . Guardar link permanente.

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